Keep track of your

Plan your travels or track past and future trips. Travellust helps you to track your amazing past travels and your future plans. We help you relive your greatest travel moments and look forward to your next trips.

Dare to Dream…

Create new markers during the year to mark your future visit places. Gain inspiration from other Travellust members!

Create your Personal travel profile and create travel markers. Place your marker underneath the Planned category to plan forward.

Discover and Plan…

Did you already plan your trip? Fantastic! Now, let’s create markers for all your planned stays, hikes, viewpoints, attractions, and the bars you want to visit.

Create your own categories. Place markers at interesting places. Plan your travel route with markers, the starting point of your hikes, or all interesting place you want to visit.

Enjoy the Moment!

Enjoy the most beautiful places of the world, or your best family memories! Enjoy take pictures, video's and let the moment catch you!

Ask the people around you to follow you and create their own profile. Post your best photos! If you want to keep your profile open for public it is totally possible, if you rather want to keep it totally private, also possible!

Like to Share…

Write your favorite memories in the notes and share your travel photos on the marker. Then decide for yourself if you would like to share your marker with everyone, your followers or just keep the marker private on your own markerboard. A public or private travel profile, the choice is fully yours!

Share your link on social media, Share travelstories and build you own travel community! Let people like your post! Just as you can give a heart to someone else their posts!

Love to Relive…

Relive your travel moments and keep adding photos to your travelmemories. View and enjoy travelstories via your own Marker page and enjoy the new stories of other members! Relive all the precious moments!

Also, when your trip is finished you can relive the moments of your journey by adding some additional photos and opening the website or app will help you to dream again.

Unleash your Travellust!

What’s your next trip?!... You create your own content and memories! And we will continue to create the tools to show and relive them every time again!

Travel tracking can continue again. The more you see, the more you would like to see! Plan your new trip and if you are ready, share it with the people you want! Enjoy!